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Must Read

Must Read

Must Read

The majority of people are walking on a road is closed and they are not aware that it has found the solution to this problem and know well It was a narrow chest, it does not have this problem, a solution that suicide before him What for,? because he took...

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A post from Overblog

That everyone in this universe is the neighborhood or something his spirit in the sense of any spirit of her body and the body has the spirit and the sense that everything that exists or creature Aaha made necessary a maker of any of his own making and...

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The Quran and Science

The Quran and Science

The Quran and Science

The Quran and Science Ever since the dawn of mankind, we have sought to understand nature and our place in it. In this quest for the purpose of life many people have turned to religion. Most religions are based on books claimed by their followers to be...

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Who is ALLAH?

Who is ALLAH?

Who is ALLAH?

I must point out some statements about life in the universe, as you have to understand who is the creator of the universe and say the universe means the whole universe of people from animals, trees, mountains, water, earth and sky and the sun and the...

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A post from Overblog

Life After Death How Do Muslims View Death? Muslims believe that the present life is a trial in preparation for the next realm of existence. When a Muslim dies, he or she is washed and wrapped in a clean, white cloth (usually by a family member) and buried...

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